

Schedule online coaching sessions with Wilson to start building Confidence and Courage into your life. Overcome your fears with self-love polyvagal techniques. Learn to flip the script on all the dark places in your life.

  • Would you like to be the presence in the room that everyone notices, but without forcing it or trying? 
  • How to be amazing by just being you!
  • Transform where ever you feel weird into brilliant and where ever you feel awkward into iconic.
  • How to be a star that’s down-to-earth, authentic and compassionate.
  • Realize how other people feel better being in your presence.

I had a session with him on the phone. I found it very powerful & it really was a very positive & healing experience for me. It assisted me in coming more into alignment in my body, and my power. It was really amazing!!! — Jen B BC, Canada

Wilson was VERY perceptive when he did the interview process with me. When I left the session and walked to my car, I could actually walk better! I was so excited! Thank you! — Carol, Pennsylvania


No other life coaching or therapy teaches the real life body movement known as FEEL Dance. Wilson is the creator of FEEL Dance.

FEEL Dance is a powerful self therapy involving pop music, affirmations, and movement that Wilson used to help himself through the most severe of stress and depression in his life. He began sharing FEEL Dance with others and now has over 90,000 followers across Instagram and Facebook.

Wilson now leads private individual and group workshops to build Confidence and Courage into your muscles, skin, heart, lungs, limbs, and torso. The goal is to immerse, imbed and integrate Confidence and Courage into every cell of your body and into your entire physical being.

With Confidence & Courage integrated into your cells you know longer have to think confident and courageous. You just are it, with out thinking!  You Radiate Passion and Joy just as you are!



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Beyond the Incense
and Meditation

A life-changing journey that goes beyond formal spiritual practices to find your center and real happiness through self-love and healing.

I really enjoyed the breakdown of spirituality, physicality, the soul, and energy. This is an amazing read for those who are on spiritual journey and are questioning religion vs spirituality

Amazon review

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Deep Healing

This book puts forth more progressive spiritual concepts that go further to address the everyday struggles of fear, pain, and adversity that life seems to bring.

I enjoyed this book and its gentle encouragement for working with pain and fear. The message is a synthesis of transpersonal psychology, the law of attraction, inner child work, and mindfulness. Wilson's orientation to his readers and students is his true gift

Amazon review