Latest Featured Blog Shown Below
Healing for Emptiness and Clinical Depression
I’ve had more than one person reach out to me on the sensation of emptiness in their life. They feel like a shell. The drive or purpose they once had in their life has faded and they more and more just don’t care anymore. This is one sign of what could be diagnosed as clinical […]
Countering Seasonal Depression with Super Powered Happy Light
Do you find yourself feeling more down during the winter season? You are not alone. Approximately 10 million Americans experience what amounts to a clinical depression during the winter season. This phenomenon is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD for short. It is attributed to the shortened daylight in the winter versus the summer. I […]
Healing Anxiety
Do you find the world filled with increasing uncertainty? Does your future feel less secure? Does your future feel unsafe? You are not alone by far. In America about half of all adults feel in imminent danger at least 1x a day (source: OnePoll in 2022). Nearly 70% of adults feel the economy is getting worse […]
How to Love Yourself Without Being Selfish
Self-care and self-love is a good thing. Well sort of. Because at the same time, we are also told not to be selfish, because selfish people are often judged as bad and looked down upon in our society. This is an article to clear up the confusing and stressful mixed messages about self-love and selfishness. […]
Finding Hope and Peace in Increasingly Threatening Times
Do you feel your life is plagued with increasing chaos and fear? Does your future seem increasingly less certain and scary? If this is true then you need not fear, because this is actually a sign of things wonderful heading your way. These are signs of tremendous growth that have been intentionally sent in your […]
All of us experience stress and health challenges in this world. With increasing global climate changes, increasing conflict, and increasingly complex economic challenges, the level of stress has only grown. This increased stress then contributes to things like high blood pressure and declining health. In this article, I intend to share with you a meditation […]
Clinical Depression to Passion
According to the World Health Organization, depression has been on the rise worldwide since 2005. The CDC has also reported steady increases in anxiety, depression, and mental and behavioral disorders for children starting at age of one. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our lifestyles has exacerbated this. But there is a positive lining […]
Staying Centered and Grounded
When life is overwhelming beyond expectation and all that we have learned to be resilient still is not enough, it is important to know how to reset into being centered and grounded. Being centered is related to being grounded but the two are slightly different, as they support each other. When you can find a […]
Integrate Spirituality into Your Everyday
Recent times have been filled with dramatic life challenges. First our lives had been drastically impacted socially and economically by COVID-19. Then a major conflict in Ukraine has had major global repercussions. On top of this are trends of more severe weather patterns, economic inequality, increasing pollution, and social unrest. More than ever we all […]
Be the Center of Your Universe
We can all relate the turmoil that is currently going on in the world. Everyone is touched by it. This article is an invitation to embrace and perhaps shift your perspective in order to create peace in your life, even if in the middle of a storm. I have personally gone through immense adversity during […]